Friday, November 1, 2013

Service parameter [something] contains special characters. Please correct

This thing started to annoy me at one point in time. I've had the error in the past as well, with a setting for ~sap-language, but now I also had it with a HTTP-HTTS (yes, I know, it should be HTTPS, but this is how SAP has named the parameter)

I bing'ed, searched notes, the SCN, various SAP groups, and everyone had an answer that was completely useless to me. Untill I found out I was actually searching for the wrong thing. Despite getting the error message here:

I found out I was actually looking for the wrong thing. What I should be focusing on was the fact that this was a special character, and not what it was, or why it was. I then found a note saying that the use of special characters was not supported for all basis versions.... I was astounded that this note did not turn up in my initial search, but note 1780585, actually did resolve my issue. Now I could add in the minus sign in my parameter. Yay ! Oh and please dont ask me why I would want to add in the HTTP-HTTPS parameter, unless you want to see a grown man cry.